R Programming Fundamentals Course in Turkey
This course covers the basics of R: a free programming language and software environment used for statistical computing and graphics. R is widely used by data analysts, statisticians, and data scientists around the world. This course covers an introduction to R, from installation to basic statistical functions. You will learn to work with variable and external data sets, write functions.
Training schedule for "R Programming Fundamentals Course"
Who Should Attend
- Basic familiarity with computers and productivity software
- Data Scientists
Course Content
- Working with data types and variables
- Vectors, matrices, lists, and data frames
- Data import
- Logical statements: loops, repeats, and functions
- Data plotting and visualization
- Introduction to basic statistical functions and packages
Frequently Asked Questions
"R Programming Fundamentals Course" trainings are given in ("Group - One to one") two different ways.
The one-to-one tuition fee is 5,260 ₺.
"R Programming Fundamentals Course" trainings are given in two different ways.
The tuition fee as a group is 13,830 ₺. To create a group, you must be at least 3 people.
The one-to-one tuition fee is 5,260 ₺.
Our "R Programming Fundamentals Course" trainings are one-to-one 1 days,
Our "R Programming Fundamentals Course" trainings are group 1 days,
Exam & Certification
Participation Certificate
All trainees who participate in training will have an AcademyTech participation certificate.